Inviting the uninvited

7 09 2009


Going online is one of the most exciting activities ever created to satisfy humans. Nowadays, going online is a combined activity for leisure and for necessity. Going online had made people realize the worth of Internet connection. But sadly, there are still people who  don’t have Internet connection at home. Honestly, I’m one of those people.

Being imprisoned in this house where a computer unit has faced its death three years ago, I could not think more of dealing with the world outside. I just rely on my mobile phone for updates regarding group acitivties and upcoming events in my university.

Not taking things for granted

Although we don’t have computer and Internet connection at home, I find it amazing how I manage my time spending hours in internet cafes. I find it amazing how I manage my time doing my thesis and of course, inviting people for the upcoming event in our school—the 25th anniversary of the BA Organizational Communication program of UP Manila.

Thanks to Gmail and I still have access to the outside world, no matter how far people are from me. Thanks to Facebook and I have the courage to invite more and more people for the upcoming Silver anniversary.


An invitation to be productive

The use of new social media had taught me to be more productive and patient. Time is being spent here and since time is as important as money, I don’t need to take things for granted. I have to use new social media for necessity (as of now) rather than luxury.

Being a future Organizational Communication practitioner, I need to make priorities. Quizzes in Facebook can be made shortly after I’ve created a press release for a client. I must be constantly reminded that new social medium such as Facebook is not just for recreational activities but also for more important things such as communicating to the farthest corners of the planet.